The Kennel Club says we can talk to you about changing the requirements and recommendations in our breed. As requirements typically only apply to Assured Breeders, could you please make a request to the Kennel Club for the breed recommendations to become requirements?
Applicable to the Assured Breeders only, this would be a very positive step, and breeders would have a choice to opt in or out of the scheme.

Who can I talk to about changing my breed's requirements and recommendations?
Requirements and recommendations are added at the request of a breed club or clubs. Contact details for all breed club secretaries are listed on Find a Club, or alternatively, you could contact your breed health co-ordinatior. Follow the link to the Kennel Club for more information about how you can bring about changes in our breed.

Just to remind our Breed Club that a vote was taken and passed to make Heart Testing a Requirement - but as yet this has not been actioned by our Club. Can we ask why not?

